"The TARA approach has been a revelation for understanding and healing my chronic pain. Elevating my perspective and somatic attunement, it allowed me to marry responsibility for the symptoms with deep self-compassion. The hands-on practices are easy and effective. The Rediscovery Journey is profoundly insightful, yet natural and grounded.”
--Georg Boch

The Rediscovery Journey Practitioner Certificate

This certificate is recommended for those who intend to use the Rediscovery Journey(tm) extensively in their practice. It amplifies, expands and enhances what TARA students learn in the Foundations series.  This certificate does not allow practitioners to teach the Rediscovery Journey(tm) to others for the purpose of professional practice.


The Rediscovery Journey™ was developed by Dr. Stephanie Mines as a simple template for accessing early memory that is embedded in connective tissue and that surfaces through sensation. The design makes the recipient the primary orchestrator of the process. The practitioner is educated to follow the recipient. Astute and attuned following is made more and more masterful by acquiring a background in embryology, neurodevelopment and an experiential as well as scientific knowledge of all aspects of the life of the embryo.


Attending to “the recipient” requires considerable discipline from the practitioner. This discipline revolves around:

  1. The practices of focused presence and sensory awareness;

  2. An understanding of embryogenesis;

  3. Education in embryology;

  4. Education in energetic embryology as presented in the TARA Approach. This means an understanding of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels that are called the Rivers of Splendor.

  5. Awareness of the major thresholds of Pre and Perinatal Psychology (—These are delineated in the handbooks Pre and Perinatal Psychology and The Miracle of Birth, which are pre-requisites for this program).

  6. Identifying each individual’s exposome, or traumatic and shocking exposures, including exposures to environmental toxins, and epigenetic transmissions.

    Overall, the role of the TARA Rediscovery Practitioner is to evaluate the exposome or cumulative impacts from the combined effects of emotional, physical, psychological and environmental forces and the ratio of those damages to resources. Resources are specific to the individual and they are also transmitted through generations.

    It is not necessary that the TARA Rediscovery Practitioner be an expert in all of these aspects of development. Awareness of them, on the other hand, is essential. Many of these areas of research are still evolving. This suggests that the TARA Rediscovery Practitioner does best when they stay abreast of new research.


What the Rediscovery Journey™ Student Receives:

 — Sample readings from Dr, Mines’ forthcoming book Memoir of An Embryologist;

 — Annotated Notes developed by Dr. Mines from her studies with Dr. Jaap van der Waal, Dr. Peter Nathanielsz, Dr. Cherionna Menzam, Richard Grossinger and other embryologists;

— MP4 Recordings of Interviews and Conversations with:

  •  The late Dr. Theo Colbert, toxicologist and author of Our Stolen Future about the impacts of environmental toxins on fetal development;

  •  Jon Peterson Myers, investigative journalist, co-author of Our Stolen Future and expert on endocrine disrupters;

  •  Marilyn Milos, founder of NOCIRC, about circumcision trauma and shock.


Note: These materials are unavailable elsewhere; they are unique to the TARA Approach


Supplements to The Rediscovery handbook (required reading), including:

  •  Identifying how gestures, facial expressions, movements, and language suggest early somatic memory and exploring those indicators without making assumptions;

  •  Reading the body sites for pre and perinatal memory;

  •  Integrating and assessing connective tissue information;

  •  Decoding symptoms as communication about early experience;

Supplements to Pre and Perinatal Psychology and the Miracle of Birth texts (required reading), including:

  •  The Pre and Perinatal Stress Rating Scale, developed by Dr. Mines, as a tool for evaluating trauma and shock levels to calibrate appropriate interventions;

  •  10 hours of course time with Dr. Mines; and

  •  10 hours of assigned experiential exercises and reading with questions, and feedback on your responses from Dr. Mines.


Tuition for this Certificate (available only to TARA Practitioners) ~ Sliding Scale: $750-$1000+ USD


Schedule to be developed in collaboration with student(s).

Please email TARA-APPROACH@prodigy.net for inquiries.

Created by Stephanie Mines, PhD.

The TARA Approach



© 5/22