Punahele Guide for the Birthing Community (E-Handbook Available)


Punahele Guide for the Birthing Community (E-Handbook Available)


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Parents-to-be, midwives, nurses, lactation specialists, childbirth educators and all those who care about babies and children will benefit from reading and using this treatment guide. It includes both an energy map of the body and the energy medicine treatments that support each developmental stage in utero. This handbook educates about embryology, gestational and post-natal attunement, bonding and attachment. It directs adults to how they can make contact with the new being using gentle, educated touch. Treatments done on the mother’s body nourish developmental sequences, and treatments immediately after birth on both mother and child encourage the bonding process. Infertility, morning sickness, lactation, postpartum depression and other conditions associated with being with child are addressed with an eye to simple, natural, empowering self-care options.

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